▲An autistic student needed a quiet place to work。 His desk was put in a bathroom stall (via CNN)
古德温家雇佣的律师香农·麦克米尼米(Shannon McMinimee)说,卢卡斯此前从来没有遇到过类似的问题,他可以去图书馆或其他合适的安静的场所学习。
“I can‘t believe that there was anybody that thought this was a good idea,” McMinimee told CNN。 “There’s a lot of different ways you can accommodate students with disabilities without humiliating them。”
▲An autistic student needed a quiet place to work。 His desk was put in a bathroom stall (via CNN)
而贝灵汉公立学校监督人格雷格·贝克(Greg Baker)在回应此事件的声明中表示,这个厕所间是用作储藏室而非使用中的厕所。
The idea of putting Goodwin‘s son there was “an example of staff trying to seek a solution to temporarily repurpose a room,” Baker said。
Due to limited state funding “schools often have limited space to meet students‘ instructional and social-emotional needs,” he said。
▲An autistic student needed a quiet place to work。 His desk was put in a bathroom stall (via CNN)