Auntie Tina and Uncle Rick are the most rational and classy parents I know
After spending time with them, it’s not difficult for anyone to understand where you got your kind soul.
Tina阿姨 和Rick叔叔是我认识最讲理最优雅的父母
任何人接触他们之后 都一定会知道你是从哪里得到如此善意的灵魂
They just lost a dear son that they can never replace
But with your permission I’ll try my best to look after them like another son in your place
Tina阿姨和Rick叔叔刚刚失去了你 无人可替代你在他们心中的位置
但是如果你同意, 我会尽我所能代表你像另一个儿子一样照顾好他们
I’ll help take care of our loved ones until I see you again
I wish nothing but to be your brother once more just tell me when
我会帮忙照顾我们所爱的人 直到我们再次见面
我只想再做一次你的兄弟 告诉我 无论任何时候
I’ve been fortunate to spend time with you and the family these past few days
We brought you home together and will cope with all of this in new ways
我们一起带你回家了 然后会好好地生活下去
It’s the beginning of the month just past the 1st
But it’s not the end of our infinite love for each other. It will never burst
今天是这个月刚刚的开始, 1号刚过
但这绝对不是我们对彼此无尽的爱的终点, 我们对彼此的爱永远不会消失