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中国欧盟领导会晤 中国欧盟联合声明原文公开

[2019-04-10 16:31:00] 来源:中国政府网 编辑:未知 点击量:
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导读:第二十一次中国-欧盟领导人会晤联合声明全文如下:第二十一次中国-欧盟领导人会晤联合声明 (2019年4月9日于比利时布鲁塞尔) China-EU Summit Joint statement Brussels, 9 April 2019


  Both sides recognise the importance of cooperation in addressing global environmental challenges, including pollution and marine litter. Both sides are willing to deepen cooperation on issues such as halting biodiversity loss, CITES implementation and enforcement, combating illegal trade in wildlife and wildlife products, sustainable forest management, combating illegal logging and associated trade, as well as desertification and land degradation.


  China and the EU look forward to a successful and landmark Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kunming in 2020. Both sides will work together for an ambitious and realistic post-2020 global biodiversity framework at the Convention on Biological Diversity Conference of the Parties hosted by China in 2020.



  China and the EU also reaffirm their commitment towards the effective implementation of the Blue Partnership for the Oceans, including cooperation on promoting sustainable fisheries and fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and exchanges on the conservation and sustainable use of Antarctic marine living resources, including by the establishment of marine protected areas in the Antarctic Ocean. The two sides endorsed the Sustainable Blue Economy Finance Principles promoting sustainable investment in the oceans.

  双方欢迎举行中国-欧盟水政策对话机制第一次会议。 Both sides also welcome the first meeting of the China-EU Water Policy Dialogue.


  17. China and the EU will cooperate to improve the economic, social, fiscal, financial and environmental sustainability of Europe-Asia connectivity and interoperability. Such cooperation should abide by the shared principles of market rules, transparency, open procurement, a level playing field and fair competition, and comply with established international norms and standards, as well as the law of the countries benefitting from the projects, while taking into account their policies and individual situations.


