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蒋珅玮写给高以翔Godfrey的信全文 你们了解与不了解的我们

[2019-12-03 10:45:00] 来源:互联网 编辑:未知 点击量:
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导读:蒋珅玮 - 你今世且永恒的兄弟。2019年11月27日,多漫长的一天,永远铭记的一天。毫无征兆,你永远的离开了我们。有点讽刺的是... 第二天就是感恩节。上帝为何不能宽容一点呢?

  Coop, you and I started out with our big dream on a blueprint

  CC and Riley later joined us to give the kids so much passion to scream and that will forever be our footprint

  Coop, 你和我带着远大的梦想和蓝图开始了这段旅程

  后来CC和Riley加入了我们一起给了孩子们那么多让他们尖叫的激情时刻 这是我们留下来的永远的足迹

  The defining moment was this past June when we were both invited to represent PB and speak at TED Talk

  We delivered what we had promised because together we always walk the walk

  一个决定性的时刻 就是今年五月份我们受邀代表PB去TED做演讲

  我们兑现了承诺 因为我们在一起总是信守承诺

  Between 2014 – 2018, time flew by like a flash

  Lots of things changed in our lives while you made lots of cash

  2014 - 2018年时光飞逝

  我们的生活发生了一些改变 你通过努力拥有了一些财富

  You had so many movie releases

  You also bought new cars and new houses

  But to you these were just irrelevant pieces

  The most important things to you were always family, friends and your future spouses



  可对你来说 这些都只是生活中无关紧要的东西

  最重要的是家人 是朋友 是你未来的伴侣

