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蒋珅玮写给高以翔Godfrey的信全文 你们了解与不了解的我们

[2019-12-03 10:45:00] 来源:互联网 编辑:未知 点击量:
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导读:蒋珅玮 - 你今世且永恒的兄弟。2019年11月27日,多漫长的一天,永远铭记的一天。毫无征兆,你永远的离开了我们。有点讽刺的是... 第二天就是感恩节。上帝为何不能宽容一点呢?

  If there is a way to reverse the clock

  Maybe I can find a way to untie my mental block



  When we checked up on each other a few days ago, you suddenly asked me: “where you at?”

  I said that I was traveling in Europe but in a few days we could catch up and chat

  几天前我们聊天时 你突然问我:“你在哪儿?”

  我当时告诉你我在欧洲旅行 但是过几天我们就能聚聚了

  By now I finally found out why all of the sudden you were checking to see my location

  Because you’d like me to be a witness with you at the two families’ big joint dinner as you are ready to start a new life direction


  因为你们两家人马上有一个非常重要的晚餐 你希望我到场陪你见证你将要开始的一个新的人生篇章

  Then there came November 27th, 2019.

  A rainy day to be remembered forever

  I woke up to a social media frenzy. Did this happen to me before? Never.

  然而 2019年11月27日...


  我在社交媒体的一阵嘈杂中醒来 这种情况以前在我身上发生过吗? 从来没有

