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蒋珅玮写给高以翔Godfrey的信全文 你们了解与不了解的我们

[2019-12-03 10:45:00] 来源:互联网 编辑:未知 点击量:
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导读:蒋珅玮 - 你今世且永恒的兄弟。2019年11月27日,多漫长的一天,永远铭记的一天。毫无征兆,你永远的离开了我们。有点讽刺的是... 第二天就是感恩节。上帝为何不能宽容一点呢?

  You were always the one serving everyone else first at the dinner table

  Only a man with the best manners and the highest integrity would be able

  不管什么时候我们一起吃饭 你总是会先帮我和大家夹菜盛汤


  We talked about being at each other’s weddings when we get married

  But we never discussed what we would do when one of us gets buried

  我们曾互相答应在结婚的时候 一定要以伴郎身份去现场参加对方的婚礼

  但我们从未讨论过 当我们其中一人将被埋葬 我们该怎么办

  You were my brother from another mother

  And we wholeheartedly trusted each other



  No wonder why people call you DJ Godfrey

  Our lives were tied together forever by our names. We’re partners in a crime, but we’re here to set each other free

  我终于知道为什么大家叫你DJ Godfrey了

  我们的名字注定我们的生命永远会连在一起 我们可以让对方自由放松地释放本性

  I’d go through a wall or jump off a cliff for you in a heartbeat

  Only if there were a way with how this life turned out that we could cheat


  如果有任何方式可以让你欺骗死亡 我都愿意

