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蒋珅玮写给高以翔Godfrey的信全文 你们了解与不了解的我们

[2019-12-03 10:45:00] 来源:互联网 编辑:未知 点击量:
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导读:蒋珅玮 - 你今世且永恒的兄弟。2019年11月27日,多漫长的一天,永远铭记的一天。毫无征兆,你永远的离开了我们。有点讽刺的是... 第二天就是感恩节。上帝为何不能宽容一点呢?

  When you finally had some time of your own to go up to the Black Diamond

  Coming down was quick for you, as for me, I pretty much tumbled my entire way down and kept saying “oh Amen”


  滑下山对于你来说很快, 但是对于我来说, 我记得我是连滚带爬下去的,还一直喊着“哦 阿门!”

  Being an amateur, I still went with you just to keep you company

  If it weren’t for the facial mask I was wearing, my face would’ve turned out to be very funny

  作为一个菜鸟级别的人,我是硬着头皮陪你上去的, 因为我不想你没有陪伴自己一人去


  At the mountaintop we had a very special moment

  Sitting quietly by each other in that beautiful white world, as pure as our special bond, we must’ve been chosen


  在那个美丽地冰雪世界静静地陪对方坐着, 就跟我们特别的关系一样纯洁,我们绝对是早就注定今生的兄弟情了

  I recall one summertime my family spent a week visiting yours in Vancouver

  At the lake park, our mothers were snapping pictures of us nonstop playing one on one

  The sick fade-away jumper you hit in my face was hell of a maneuver

  Alright I’ll give you props for that one. It was one of the few times you actually won




  你当时在我面前投了好多后仰投篮 各种操作

  好吧 那次算你厉害 也许那是不多的几次你打赢了我

